As you can see from the updated about page you now know who are the people which are working on this project. More people are still being contacted right now and soon you will know them.
Fedora ppc64 on PowerPC Notebook
Peter Czanik talked with many people about this project at FOSDEM 2015 as he wrote on the forum and even at where the Fedora/RHEL PPC team promised to help if needed to make Fedora run on our PowerPC 64 bit Notebook.
Anyone that wants to help with Fedora ppc64 please contact us or subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive the survey “how to take part to the project.”
Debian ppc64 on PowerPC Notebook
For testing Debian ppc64 packages with PowerPC 64bit machines there are already Konstantinos Margaritis , Brock Wittrock, Marcin Spoczynski, Pietro Capriata and Roberto Innocenti. With PowerPC 32 bit machines there are Herminio Hernandez and Gianluca Straccio.
Anyone that want to join the debian ppc64/ppc32 team please contact us or subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive the survey “how to take part to the project.”
Other OS
In the Other OS Forum we can see some interest for NetBSD, Darwin, MorphOS, BeOS, Haiku, AmigaOS 4. Right now the most active topic is the one related to AmigaOS 4. We are happy to see a new software workgroup ready to start working on making their preferrred OS run on our PowerPC Notebook! If some AmigaOS core developers want to join, please subscribe to the newsletter.
ppc64 gnu/linux testing and fix packages before have the PowerPC Notebook
Any people interested in contributing to a PowerPC 64 GNU/Linux on our PowerPC Notebook should start working on testing the distro on current 64 bit PowerPC machines. There is no reason to wait for the notebook to be finished. In any case it is important to increase the number of applications that will run on “generic” powerpc 64bits. This way we start contributing to the whole PowerPC community, before having our PowerPC Notebook.
I have installed Fedora on my wife’s PC and I was impressed on how clean and easy to use this distribution is! A great alternative to Ubuntu for those who are looking for the latest packages and still perfect for users who don’t know much about linux. I look forward to seing this distribution on the PowerPC notebook!