The Open Hardware GNU/Linux PowerPC notebook project is made up of volunteers from all over the world, just like you, who are helping to make an Open Hardware PowerPC Laptop a reality.
Our goal is to build an Open Hardware laptop with PowerPC architecture, designed around GNU/Linux and Free Software (and open to other operating systems). A notebook that won’t become quickly obsolete, by supporting upgrades to its video card, RAM, and hard disk or solid state disk.
If you’d like to join us, we appreciate your help!
There are many ways to help out, including:
- Translation: Help with website localization and social sharing.
- Media production: Help with the production of video, animation, images, text or slogans.
- Spread the word: publish news in your blog/forum/social, manage our website seo, manage our official social accounts
- Software: Help us optimize & port PowerPC GNU/Linux applications, distributions (U-boot, etc), and other operating systems. Convert Wii/WiiU, PS3 and Xbox360 emulators, which use the same Power architecture.
- Hardware: Wish list and suggestions
- Crowd-funding: How to, study other experiences
- Group buying: How to, study other experiences
- Law: Help to protect the Copyleft of the schematics and PCB design and to fulfill the OSWHA Open Hardware Guideline
Fill the participation survey to collaborate to this project.
Our passion for innovation and this project have already motivated a producer to start to design the motherboard of this PowerPC Notebook, thanks to your donations. Your participation makes the difference to produce and design an ideal device.
Join and strengthen the PowerPC Notebook Team. Subscribe to the newsletter.
Will this design be able to boot other OSes?
You build it, I’ll try to talk the MorphOS team into supporting it (and I’ll definitely buy one)!
I am looking forward to seeing the end result. I want a Laptop like this to run Linux on.
Well! Thanks to everyone’s passion and support, we are very close to lighting the prototypes.